Scissett Liberal Club

It is unknown when the Scissett Liberal Club was founded but they were in existence in 1892 when a meeting arranged by the club was held in May at the Co Operative Hall in Scissett.

A large audience assembled in the hall to hear an address from Mr Henry Joseph Wilson, of Sheffield, MP for Holmfirth Division, and Mr Alfred Webb, an Irish Quaker and MP.

Henry Joseph Wilson
Alfred Webb

Mr William Ewart was the chairman of the meeting.

The wives of the MPs, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Webb were both present at the meeting and the chairman remarked that they were pleased to see them there. Adding that he thought they should

“be upon the platform so that the audience might have a good stare at them!”  

He went on to invite them to speak at the meeting. Mrs Webb did indeed make a short speech, which in itself was unusual at that time. She said that it was the first time that she had ever spoken at a public meeting and

“expressed her gratitude that the English Liberals were taking up the cause of Ireland”.  

She went on to urge people to vote to return Liberal members to Parliament. Her resolution was seconded by H. J. Wilson MP. Sheffield Independent 30 May 1892

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